Designing a Digital Identity Wallet that Feels Safe

Identity theft has surged in Europe, with more than half its population falling victim to cybercrime, particularly identity theft, in the past two years. This alarming trend not only jeopardizes individuals but also leads to substantial financial losses, totaling approximately $1.7 billion in out-of-pocket expenses. The challenge was to develop a solution ensuring GDPR-compliant personal data protection and simplified data sharing.


Datakeeper partnered with us to address the pressing issue of identity theft. Together, we envisioned and developed a personalised digital identity wallet that empowers consumers to securely store and share only essential data with trusted parties. This innovative digital wallet not only enhances privacy for consumers but also enables organizations to securely receive verified data, minimizing the risk of fraud and ensuring GDPR compliance.

From inception to launch and beyond, we are playing a crucial role in shaping Datakeeper's journey to success. Our expertise and support spanning every critical phase, from research and prototyping to development, and ultimately, to market scaling.

Team a.o.

Alex Rodriguez

Elena Pavaletz

Sander Vermeer
Alyona Volkova

Lionell Schuring


© 2023 Lionell Schuring