Raising Awareness for FSHD:
Comedian's Worst Nightmare

Raising Awareness for FSHD:
Comedian's Worst Nightmare

FSHD, a form of muscular dystrophy, progressively weakens the face, upper arms, shoulders, and legs. Funding research is a challenge due to its relative obscurity. The Dutch FSHD Foundation sought our help to raise awareness and donations. We aimed to create standout content amid the daily deluge.

FSHD, stemming from a genetic missing link, often starts by stealing your smile. At Ronald Snijders' comedy show, we crafted a daring experiment: ten minutes of silence from a secret pact in the crowd. The revelation came from Nynke, our FSHD advocate.

Case video


  • We reached over one million people on TV & radio and 1,5 million views online.

  • Within a week the stunt got the attention of big media outlets in the Netherlands like PAUW, de Coen & Sander Show, Ekdom and Dumpert.

  • Even weeks after our stunt, we kept generating valuable attention in well-read Dutch magazines like the Linda.

Coen & Sander Show

Coen & Sander Show

Dutch Creativity Awards
Bronze - PR & Influencer


Bronze - Not for Profit

Accent - Smart Idea

Cannes Lions Festival
Finalist - PR

Finalist - Entertainment

Team a.o.
Rens Quirijnen

Bjorn van den Hout

Frank van Rooijen

Lionell Schuring

Stichting FSHD

© 2023 Lionell Schuring